Sunday 9 May 2021

Chapter 3: The Battle for Merida

We'll need more wood. Much more. Get those boys chopping. The girls, too.

The forge was already emitting an incredible heat, and had been for a few days, now.
Guarado knew it would need to burn for a few days more. At least. 

He was certain his iron bending days were over. One more battle. This would be the end. In victory or defeat.

Maldo, get all the ingots we have. Spread the word for others to bring theirs here - and any iron that can be melted down. Swords and spears! Swords and spears! 

-and shields he thought himself. Yes, shields. Might need to smith a few special items as well. 
He would speak with Punico. Surely he'd have some ideas. 

He needed to put iron in as many hands as he could. Give each a chance to defend themselves. Their families. Their homes. Their tribe. The land. 

There were many veterans in their numbers, but most were of his age or older. All boys began training at 12, but that was training. No war in these parts for many years, other than a few border skirmishes among tribes. Usually involving a few dozen uncles and cousins. Often settled with a wedding feast.

No war. 

War was coming to them, war is here now. 

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