Tuesday 26 June 2018

Chapter 2: The Circle

(before heading to the circle - a scene where he speaks to his wife, alerting her, giving her instructions to keep herself and the younger brother safe, and a tentative farewell)

He rode to the circle. He rode as fast as his Garrano would take him.  The work-horse was more familiar with pulling a plow than with sprinting.

The castro was now in the distance, barely visible save for the smoke rising from the fire his wife, Laina, had lit earlier in preparation of their mid-day meal.

He knew this day would come.  At least something deep down inside had hoped the advance would be stopped.  It was no secret the Romans were meeting much resistance to the East and it would likely be years before they would be a threat in these parts.

He, and his neighbours; fellow tribesmen had known peace for many years.  Now, it seems, an external threat was on its way that they would have to face together, or perish.

He could already see some of his tribesmen there. One of the elders, so far.
A quick glance into the distance showed evidence of other riders on the way.
They, too, heard the thunder.

Head nods and hand-wringing served as greetings from the other elders gathered at The Circle.  7 stout grey men, 3 women with fierce eyes, and Valdo.  Valdo, the veteran of many battles, grimmer and greyer now then when he stormed into battle, but not old. Not past his prime.  he still carried an air of a warrior, and none doubted him.

"What word?", to the point and economical as always

"2 days march, at most" stated Jeronimo, his cousin and battle brother.  "We were able to capture one of their scouts, another got away. Though not without leaving much of his blood behind.  Likely many other scouts through the hills to the East and who knows where else."

"We must send riders to the Western Tribes, start mobilizing, and prepare for an attack" said Valdo.

"Yes. I'll go now." Jeronimo

"Take Uriel and Vicente.  When you get to Cordal, ensure that you speak with Izilda. She will get word out quickly with her little birds"

With that Jeronimo left to fetch Uriel and Vicente his 2 sons and ride west. His mission was to alert the other tribes and prepare what defence they could muster.

"Where is this Roman? The scout?"

"Outside Suena.  They're holding him at one of the granaries.  He hasn't said much, other than screams of pain and cries to his mother."

"He will talk.  We need to know more about their numbers, troops, and who's leading them.  We also need to send scouts East."

"Let's go.  Send word to Libos.  Have him gather his people and meet us in Suena,"

"Each of you.  Go back to your people.  Alert them and have them all send any who can weild a weapon to Suena."